A teenage volunteer discovered five lines of text on a shard of pottery which not only could be the oldest example of Hebrew writing ever discovered, but it contains symbols believed to locate nothing less than the Ark of the Covenant! The period, 3000 years ago, corresponds to the time of the biblical figures of David and Solomon and, the alphabet is the same used by the Queen of Sheba (allegedly wed to Solomon) in what is now Yemen. The writings found in Yemen in this same alphabet describe the Ark at a site near Mareb (Ma’rib, in the ancient kingdom of Sheba).
In the legend, and in the Holy Quran, it is assumed that the queen of Sheba had been invited to visit King Solomon, wed her and had a son, Menelik. Inscriptions in the same alphabet describe the relocation of the famed Ark of the Covenant at the queen’s palace, by the son of Solomon, following the destruction of Jerusalem. The scholars Gary Vey and John McGovern who led to the recent discovery of the queen’s palace, in Mareb, Yemen, think it might still be there.
The archaeological site is located in what is known as the “empty zone”; a dry and desolate desert with kilometers of sand dunes. As the wind moved the dunes, Bedouins sometimes momentary glimpses buried walls, until they have them covered again by even more sand. The rumors about the existence of a large wall led archaeologists to uncover this huge complex, which proved to be the most secret site of the Middle East. A large stone wall about 20 meters high and 5 meters thick that protects a large courtyard (that has yet to be excavated).
On the wall there is a myriad of symbols of which only a little part has been translated: “…because the Son was aware of the essence that was in him… And when the happiness of the Son was poisoned by the news that his father passing on the anger lifted when the son was told the location of the Father’s great box of EL. And when the happiness of Son was poisoned by the action of the beautiful Lord’s movement the Son was made happy to swear to protect the box of EL, and to be associated with the Lord’s spirit. And his gloom lifted.”
The chronology and geography of create a unique meeting point between mythology, history, historiography and archaeology of King David…
Whole story on this site: viewzone2.com/yemenasitis.html